

cano_orth(A[, thr, ovlp])

Canonically orthogonalize columns of A

dot_gen(A, B[, ovlp])

get_cano_orth_mat(A[, thr, ovlp])

get_iao(Co, S12, S1[, S2])

get_loc(mol, C[, method, pop_method, init_guess])

get_pao(Ciao, S, S12)

get_pao_native(Ciao, S, mol, iao_valence_basis)

get_symm_orth_mat(A[, thr, ovlp])

get_xovlp(mol[, basis])

Gets set of valence orbitals based on smaller (should be minimal) basis

remove_core_mo(Clo, Ccore, S[, thr])

symm_orth(A[, thr, ovlp])

Symmetrically orthogonalize columns of A
